Last Update: May 21, 2019

Privacy Policy: QuadReal Finance

This privacy policy contains legal obligations. Please read this privacy policy before using this website and any quadreal products and services. By using this website or any quadreal products and services, you agree to be bound by his privacy policy which is subject to change as described below.

QuadReal Finance LP (“QuadReal”, “we” or “us”) is committed to maintaining trust with the users of our Website. QuadReal uses this Website to provide you with information about our brand, products and services. Any information, customer service or any related services provided to you through the Website are referred to in this Privacy Policy as the “QuadReal Products and Services”. We are committed to the protection of your privacy. To help us meet this commitment to you, we have created this Website privacy policy as may be amended from time to time (the “Privacy Policy”).

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the term “Website” means and all its related webpages and websites (including without limitation any mobile optimized website), but does not include any third party websites which are linked to or may link from this website whether or not such third party websites are used in association with the QuadReal Products and Services.

This Privacy Policy describes how QuadReal collects, protects, uses and discloses Personal Information that is collected by QuadReal or provided by you as you use the Website and the QuadReal Products and Services. To take advantage of some of the features of the Website you may have to provide us with your Personal Information.

Personal Information

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “Personal Information” means information about an identifiable individual (including any “Personal Information” as such term is defined in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canada or the Personal Information Protection Act, British Columbia, that is collected by us or supplied to us through the Website in order to operate the Website and provide the QuadReal Products and Services. See “Collection of Information” below for a more detailed list of the various reasons why QuadReal collects Personal Information.

“Personal Information” may include, but is not limited to, a person’s name, email address, residential address, telephone number, payment card information, transaction history, credit history and credit information from credit reporting agencies, and other billing information, as may be applicable.

Application of This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to Personal Information collected by, or supplied to, QuadReal through the Website and the QuadReal Products and Services.

The Website contains links to third party websites (the “Linked Sites”) that are not controlled or operated by QuadReal. The Linked Sites are maintained by the third parties who have their own website privacy policies and their own terms and conditions of use. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any of the Linked Sites and QuadReal is not responsible for any Personal Information disclosed by virtue of those Linked Sites or for the privacy practices of any operators or sponsors of the Linked Sites. To determine how Personal Information will be treated when accessing or using the Linked Sites, you must read the website privacy policy, if any, that applies to each of the Linked Sites.

We may partner with third party service providers and vendors in the course of delivering the QuadReal Products and Services. This Privacy Policy only applies to the Personal Information that QuadReal collects and uses, or is supplied, through the operation of the Website and the QuadReal Products and Services. Any Personal Information disclosed to any third party service providers is dealt with in accordance with the privacy policies adopted by each of those service providers. Individuals are encouraged to review the website privacy policies maintained by each of those service providers to understand how their Personal Information will be used by those entities to process requests.

Acceptance of This Privacy Policy And Any Revisions To This Privacy Policy

By accessing or using the Website or any of the QuadReal Products and Services you agree to accept this Privacy Policy. If you do not accept this Privacy Policy you must not access or use the Website or any of the QuadReal Products and Services.

If you continue to access or use the Website or any of the QuadReal Products and Services after any revisions to this Privacy Policy are posted you will be deemed to have accepted those revisions.

QuadReal may, at any time without notice or liability, revise this Privacy Policy. You should periodically revisit this posting to review any revisions to this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Information

We collect and store information, which may include Personal Information, for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with the QuadReal Products and Services;
  • to process your application for tenancy, your lease or other tenancy interaction;
  • to send you communications you have opted-in to receive;
  • to respond to your questions and comments;
  • to respond to request for information regarding the QuadReal Products and Services;
  • to tailor your experience of the Website;
  • to troubleshoot problems with the Website and the QuadReal Products and Services and to improve the Website and the QuadReal Products and Services;
  • to help QuadReal analyze the browsing patterns of its users in order to improve the content and design of its Websites;
  • for security purposes, such as the prevention of potentially prohibited or illegal activities;
  • to enforce the Website Terms of Use;
  • for statistical analysis;
  • to meet any legal or regulatory requirements;
  • to conduct marketing, including promotional activities;
  • as otherwise described to you when the information is collected; and
  • to take any other action required or permitted by law.

How Do We Collect Information

QuadReal collects Personal Information from Website visitors only on a voluntary basis. Your Personal Information is collected in connection with your access and use of the Website such as if you email a request for information from us, send us your curriculum vitae or your personal references.

Use of Personal Information

We will use the Personal Information received through the Website for the various purposes outlined above under “Collection of Information”. By providing Personal Information through the Website, you acknowledge and agree that we may use the Personal Information for the purposes set out herein.

Generally, we collect Personal Information directly from you, but we may also collect it from third parties where you consent or we are permitted by law to do so (for instance, we collect credit information from credit reporting agencies if you apply to rent one of our units).

Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not transfer Personal Information to third parties, except for our business partners who have agreed to comply with legally required privacy standards and who will use the information only for the purposes disclosed at the time of collection or for a use consistent with that purpose. For instance, we may disclose your Personal Information to credit reporting agencies, government institutions (e.g. departments of motor vehicles or other relevant agencies), and insurance providers in order to process your lease or other tenancy interaction.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right to disclose Personal Information if we reasonably believe that we are required to do so by law or legal process or if we are otherwise requested by any law enforcement officer or agency acting under colour of law. In addition, we reserve the right to disclose Personal Information in order to (i) enforce the Website Terms of Use; (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of QuadReal; or (iii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the safety or security of the public or users of the QuadReal Products and Services or the Website. We may also disclose your Personal Information in connection with a corporate re-organization, a merger or amalgamation with another entity, or a sale of all or a substantial portion of our assets provided that the information disclosed continues to be used for the purposes permitted by this Privacy Policy by the entity acquiring the information.

QuadReal does not sell, rent or share its customer lists to third parties for marketing or commercial purposes.

Storage And Security

QuadReal has implemented reasonable physical and technical measures to protect Personal Information obtained through the Website against loss or theft, unauthorized access, use or disclosure. For further information on how we protect Personal Information, contact us using the information listed below under “Questions or Comments”. However, because no data transmission over the Internet or storing of electronic data is ever 100 per cent secure, we cannot guarantee that your Personal Information will never be accessed, used, or released in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.


By using our Website, you agree to assume all risk in connection with the security of your Personal Information sent to or collected by us through this Website.

Retention of Personal Information

We may keep Personal Information obtained through the Website for so long as is necessary or appropriate to carry out the purpose(s) for which such information was collected or for such longer period as may be required or permitted by applicable laws and regulations and your consent to such purpose(s) remains valid after termination of our relationship with you.

Currently, QuadReal retains all Personal Information collected by, or provided to, it on secure servers in Canada. As QuadReal and some of QuadReal’s third party service providers may store information received from users (including Personal Information) outside of Canada, and under the laws of those other jurisdictions, in certain circumstances courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies or security authorities in those other provinces or foreign jurisdictions may be entitled to access users’ Personal Information.


QuadReal collects the emails provided through the “Inquiry Form” feature of this Website, so QuadReal can respond to your questions or suggestions and for security purposes.

Website Administration

When you visit the Website, some information (i.e. the site from which you linked, your Internet Service Provider, the time and date of your visit) may be collected automatically by the software that operates our Website. Our servers do not track, collect, or distribute Personal Information about visitors to our Website.

This information is however used by our technical engineers to compile aggregate statistics about the total number of daily visitors to our site, the pages most frequently visited, and how long people stay at each page. None of the information that we report includes personal identification.


Our Website uses standard technology known as “cookies”, including session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies temporarily keep your settings. This information is stored until your browser is closed. Persistent cookies are created for specific functions you may choose to use on the Website, including, but not limited to: accepting terms of use; saving searches; and saving favorites. Persistent cookies are used to improve your experience of the Website and are retained from session to session. These cookies remain after the browser is closed and are stored locally on your system. QuadReal does not track such cookies on QuadReal servers, nor does QuadReal use such cookies to store Personal Information. You may choose to delete persistent cookies after visiting the Website. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you have the option of blocking or disabling cookies. However, please be aware that you may be unable to access certain parts of the Website if you do block or disable cookies.

Google Analytics

This Website uses Google Analytics, a web and mobile analytics tracking tool provided by Google, for audience activity, demographics reporting, and remarketing. You can opt-out of Google Analytics by installing a browser plug-in available on Google’s website.


QuadReal reserves the right to alter, add to, delete, modify, change or amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended Privacy Policy on the Website. All amended terms shall be effective immediately upon being posted even without express or specific notice to you of those changes. Your continued use of the Website after such modification of the Privacy Policy will constitute your: (i) acknowledgement of the modified Privacy Policy; and (ii) agreement to abide and be bound by this Privacy Policy as modified. The most current version of this Privacy Policy will govern your use of the Website. You are encouraged to review this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure your continued agreement. Any changes to this Privacy Policy or waiver of our rights hereunder shall not be valid or effective except in a written agreement bearing the physical signature of one of our directors or officers. No purported waiver or modification of this Privacy Policy by us via telephone or email communications will be valid.


You can help QuadReal maintain the accuracy of your Personal Information by notifying QuadReal of any changes to such information. You are responsible for ensuring that all information created through your use of the Website and the QuadReal Products and Services is accurate, reliable and complete. The use of information created from the Website and the QuadReal Products and Services is at your own risk.


The Website is intended for general audiences but is not to be used by individuals under 18 years old (“minors”). We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 18. If you become aware that your child has provided us with Personal Information without your consent, please contact us at the email address below. If we become aware that a minor has provided us with Personal Information without parental consent, we take steps to remove such information from our files.

Governing Law

Those who choose to access the Website from outside Canada do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, and recognizing the global nature of the Internet, each viewer and user shall comply with all local rules regarding online conduct and submission of acceptable materials. This Privacy Policy is governed and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein, without regard to principles of conflicts of law that would impose the law of another jurisdiction, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the Province of British Columbia, Canada.

Where To Direct Questions or Complaints

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy in connection with the Website or relating to the collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information by QuadReal, please contact:

The Chief Privacy Compliance Officer (CPCO)
199 Bay Street, Suite 4900
P.O. Box 373
Toronto, ON M5L 1G2

Phone: 416 673 7444
Email: [email protected]