Culture & Ethics Help Line
QuadReal’s commitments to its stakeholders include protecting all interests of those with whom we work. Key policies we have in place are our Code of Conduct and Responsible Contractor Code of Conduct and Ethics. They ensure that our colleagues and partners have transparency around our expectation of a high standard of ethics and integrity that support our values and prudent business practices.
We are Here to Listen
Also known as an ethics reporting or whistleblower hotline, QuadReal’s Culture & Ethics Help Line is an important avenue to help us learn what is on the minds of our employees, former employees, external business partners, community members and other stakeholders. We have partnered with Clearview Strategic Partners, a third party experienced in facilitating confidential feedback, so that our team can hear from anyone about how we are doing and where we can do better. What you share through this Help Line can be anonymous.

the Help Line
Thank you for bringing your concerns and ideas to our attention in this way. QuadReal commits to respect your privacy, the goodwill of your intentions and the time you have taken to speak up.
Anyone is welcome to create a report using QuadReal’s Culture & Ethics Help Line to draw our team’s attention to:
- Concerns that you have about the way you are treated or feel in our workplace or at our properties, whether as an employee, tenant, resident or service provider
- Irregularities in our commitments to deal fairly with those with whom we do business
- Suspicions or evidence of misconduct of any kind, such as financial, misrepresentation or conflict of interest
- Ways we can improve our work environment or the operations of the organization itself
Find out more and visit our partner Clearview Connects.